Parthan SR wrote:
Pradeepto Bhattacharya wrote:
On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Rony wrote:
I had mentioned that it is upgraded to the latest packages through apt. Fresh and piping hot. :-)
Yeah so? I don't use Kubuntu so I don't know what is latest
in Kubuntu repos.
So you need to state the version which causes you the
problem, thats a common thing required for bugs. You *need* to state the version number so that developers can narrow down the issue. A version tracker generally has a version component ( and downstream/upstream component )
Also that Kubuntu comes in two flavours by itself, Kubuntu with KDE 3.5.x and Kubuntu with KDE4.
I know that and I have both the CDs.
And the latest piping hot stuff out there is Kubuntu Intrepid/8.10 which is in alpha4 or alpha5 if am not wrong and hence can be expected to have bugs, which indeed needs to be reported and fixed.
Kubuntu 8.04's default Hardy repos may not be upgrading the OS to this alpha version.