Hi Folks this is the write up that I have posted on my community portal, just wanted to share with you all... http://bhavsarsamaj.com/google-chrome-os-hype-insight-speculation-and-assump...
Google Chrome OS – Hype, Insight, Speculation and Assumption
Since past few days there has been lots of gossip in the air regarding the announcement of the new Google Operating System A.K.A. Chrome OS.
What is this Chrome OS?
Is it a derivative of yet another Linux Distro?
Is it a yet another marketing campaign of Google against its well known rivals?
Or Is it a new experiment to drive user traffic after the success of Gmail, Orkut, Google Earth and other web tools?
Whatever the reason may be, it appears to be yet another warship strategy of Google that announces “Try to stop me if you can!”
This had indeed raised lots of questions, curiosity and may be even a wave of insecurity to some existing OS developers, especially when its claimed to be FOSS (Free Open Source Software) release.
As for end user world, there has been lots of gossiping and rumoring regarding Chrome OS. Yet very few have set their journey for hunting down facts.
Please read the complete article before commenting http://bhavsarsamaj.com/google-chrome-os-hype-insight-speculation-and-assump... since it was not possible to post that lengthy article here...
Bye Regards