On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 11:13:44PM -0500, Bhargav Bhatt wrote:
Excellent Idea! Regarding distributions, i think Redhat would win my vote. The main reasons would be
- Extensive Hardware Support
- RPM (It was built on RH) - Numerous applications available for install via
RPM 3) Up2date 4) More online help forums for RH than any other distro. (also a very helpful IRC channel). 5) Very easy to work with, especially after bluecurve (I am not supportive of their idea of degrading KDE in the process of Unifying it with GNOME. However, the result is indeed quite beautiful) 6) Automatic Installation of New Kernel via up2date
Debian has all these features plus much more friendly up2date like utility (apt). But till "debian-desktop" subproject is released we will stick to RedHat. This will be easier for us because more than half of the publicity is done by RedHat. And people know what is RedHat.