On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 00:33:19 -0700, "Amish Munshi" amishmunshi@gmail.com said:
we definately need a few more of technical seminars. Although we have been having good turnouts in the recent meets, but I would have enjoyed the meets much more if there would have been some more technical topics (I would have loved so see rusty in action than just words).
The september GLUG meet was also too good even though it was not based on any technical topic. Mr. Subramaniam Vutha and Ms. Nappinai kept us consumed all the while in their talk. I suggest Venky to hold more of such topics.
Is there a scope to have webcasts of the seminars we hold on the ilug-bom site?
Good idea. But it needs volunteers for help. Would you like to volunteer?