On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Arun Khan knura@yahoo.com wrote:
I think this may be configurable ie. user@domainname when multiple domains are hosted on the same system.
From what I've got till now, ISPConfig2 sets it up in this manner. I
haven't fiddled with the configuration files to find out how to do this, and without breaking other things like FTP and Control Panel login. What ISPConfig does to identify users from different domains is that it prefixes the username with <string><number>_<username> where: <string> is a configurable string, defaulting to 'web' <number> is the serial number of the domain created i.e. first domain is web1, second is web2 and so on <username> is the username that is given in the control panel. So, if I create my first domain as example.net with 3 users a,b,c their logins would be web1_a, web1_b and web1_c. But, their email addresses will be a@example.net, b@example.net and c@example.net.