Hi Fellow Penguins. This is Amit Bagadia. Am a final yr student from PVPP Coll of Engg. purusing Infomation Technology. I recently got inducted into the linuxers group. and no offense but most of the articles have been going way over my head. i'd like to know where do i begin? what should i go for?
i duno What is BASH or Shell Scripting? I Dunno which distribution is good? whether fedora core or suse or mandrake or unbunto or the most recent one Xandros(hyped to throw windows replace in near future)
the scenario here is like water water everywhere but not a drop to drink. there are hundreds of tuts available for Linux. but its truly confusing.
i'd be grateful to find a good way to get around all this.
i, being my college IEEE Secretary, am interested in organising a Linux Seminar or may be two. 1. To introduce my fellow students like me to Linux 2. To Tell them in Deep About Linux, esply About shell scripting.
i'd wanna know if any of you would be interested in coming forward to conduct it. people interested can inform me.
Awaiting your earliest reply Thanks. Regards. Amit Bagadia.