quasi wrote on Tue Sep 9 12:21:47 IST 2003 : --> Moderator(s), This person is in this group for only the purpose of sending these types of emails. His last 5-6 emails confirm it. This is SPAM. Even thought it is ok, I guess, for folks on this list to be off topic or even sell something, I think we should not encourage people who come here *only* for that. Please do the needfull.
An unnamed (chicken?) person spake thusly:
books ranging
from 20%-25% approx. off the normal price. Old
Books at discount
more than 40%-60% approx. off the normal price.
BRAND NEW: (Costs after Discount)
- Teach yourself UML in 24 hours - Schmuler - Rs.
- Java Software Solutions - Lewis - Rs. 260
- Write TSR's now - Ras - Rs. 75
- Problems in General Physics - Irodov - Rs. 113
- Programming Perl 3/e - Wall - Rs. 450
- Professional Linux Programming - Mathews - Rs.
410 - Wrox
- CGI Programming with Perl - Gundavaram - Rs. 220
- OReilly
SECOND HAND: (Costs after Discount) 1) Teach
yourself HTML4 in 24
hours - Oliver/Holshwag Rs. 80 - Techmedia 2)
Mastering Foxpro 2.5
Special Edition - Siegel - Rs. 225 - BPB 3)
ObjectOriented Software
Engineering - Haladay - Rs. 150 4) Understanding
Pointers in C -
Kanetkar - Rs. 113 5) Using Linux - Gunter - Rs. 270
6) DNS & Bind -
Liu - Rs.100 - Oreilly 7) Building Linux Clusters -
David Spector -
Rs. 170 - OReilly
We also COURIER to your place. Courier charges
extra. (Rs. 35 more
per book.)
anybody wanting any of the above books plz. contact
me at email :
akshaysalkar@indiatimes.com or telephone on 91-22-22052404. (plz. leave msg./name/telephone if i
am not there)
i second that. let this list not be just an advertising ground for guys like akshay
===== Bhushan Kelshikar Project Engineer, IIT Bombay.
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