On 28-Dec-06, at 10:01 PM, Philip Tellis wrote:
we actually have two urls. Back when the list started, it was www.ilug-bom.org (or .com, I don't remember). When .in registration opened, we got www.ilug-bom.org.in. Last year, we got the secondary www.glug-bom.org in addition to www.ilug-bom.org.in.
Personally, I've opposed changing a domain because it breaks links on the web (and that's what I told Stallman when he suggested we change it to glug-bom).
well, now it is 50-50. Ilug-bom is there a glug-bom is there. It is clear that the original founders founded a lug. Also clear that Stallman suggested a change (not surprising). So was the change done after any discussion or announcement or just quietly slipped in? If the latter, it makes me very unhappy. Anyway the subject line still has [ILUG-BOM], and I hope no change is effected there without proper discussion and announcement - it would be a put-down on the list members if it was done 'on the sly'.