I built a desktop using the Intel D850MV motherboard with a Pentium 4/1.60 GHz CPU and 256MB RDRAM (4 x 64MB/PC600 RIMM cards). The desktop board came with BIOS version P05 (MV85010A.86A.0011.P05.0111141737) preinstalled.
I installed two Seagate ST340810A 40-GB hard drives. The primary master drive had a Windows 95 (LBA) partition for Windows Me, and the primary slave drive was partitioned into 10GB EXT3 for Linux and 30GB for Windows Me. The bootloader was GRUB 0.91, for switching between a RedHat 7.3 boot and a Windows Me boot.
Everything (RedHat 7.3 and Windows Me)worked perfectly.