On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Rony wrote:
Here are a few suggestions that will hopefully help members of this list enjoy their stay here and avoid the flame wars that keep flaring up and take up precious bandwidth. Just like a doze machine that has its resources eaten up by viruses, spam, spyware and bloatware, we could all contribute towards reducing flame wars and promote better relations among members. Here are some guide lines we could all follow.
- We are all guests on this list, which means we have to abide by the
host's (list's) rules and regulations. It includes abiding by the rules of moderation which is necessary for any public list. Without moderation there is chaos.
- We are not just members of the list but also its salespersons. We
have to present our GLUG in the best possible way to others so that more members can join in and make this community larger and happier. Naturally this starts with being proud of our GLUG and doing whatever is possible to spread knowledge and happiness to others and promote peaceful and cordial relations amongst all members. Peace and happiness to everyone. Ubuntu!
Thank you for putting up "10 commandments" for the list! :-)
We will call this Rony's 10 Commandments for LUGs.
Hope you will find large number of followers.
-- Regards,
With regards,