On 8/16/07, Ramang G mailramang@yahoo.com wrote:
Dear All,
I just want to setup a local Naming server using Bind or whatever....ie.. In my network i need to ping the Linux box using name / call the local webserver using name instead of IP
- I have installed bind and configured named.conf
- I have copied localhost.zone to forward.com and modified below
lin.com (my domain name) IN NS ns.lin.com
lin.com. IN A ns.lin.com. IN A www.lin.com IN A
and in my named.conf
zone "lin.com" IN { type master; file "forward.com" };
I have restared my named service without any error.
But when I ping my PC using name (test.lin.com) reply comes from localhost.... WHY???
Where have you given the IN record for test.lin.com? What happens when you ping only lin.com?
Ping isn't a tool to test DNS. Use dig instead. dig test.lin.com.
Regards, NMK.