Sharing some of my thoughts, when Sachin said:
Just go through the link again again I am saying this is important for SuSe and Red Hat -Sachin
M$ is not likely to vanish anytime in the near future. But market-shares must be changing, and that is perhaps cause for concern for M$.
Note that a cash-rich M$ is having to take note of products and solutions possible from the GNU/Linux movement.
Note that this M$ sees a need to publish white papers showing merit in its solutions v/s GNU/Linux based solutions,
This in itself is a victory for the movement !
I suggest each lugger (re)committ himself/herself to create one more comp running GNU/Linux within his/her network of friends and contacts, each month.
Way to go ! Keep at it ! Raise the pressure ! Every bit/user/desktop/server will indeed add-up eventually !
--- Vydya