On Tuesday 05 December 2006 18:08, A A wrote:
Hello all,
I use RH9 and recently downloaded following files for Xine.
xine-lib-1.1.2.tar.bz2 xine-ui-0.99.4.tar
I made a directory and opened these files.
At command prompt both as root and as user I gave following commands. ./configure make make install.
After each of these commands the system does something as apparently the terminal shows the data being read, scrolling upwards. As per instructions on Xine site and other help file, it means I'm done with installation and I only need to type "xine" at prompt to start the program. Alas! I get the message no command found.
Whats being wrong here?
When you did ./configure. Did it show success? Something like "writing config file" or something similar to it? When you ran "make" did it exit with errors? What were the last few lines of the output? What was the output of make install? Its seems that while configuring or making the software the script is failing. If possible paste the output ( last few lines ) in your post of both ./configure and make.