On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 09:01:44 +0530, Shrikant Vishwanathan shrikant_vishwanathan@hotmail.com wrote:
Hi, I am aware that there exists something called as compiler specific flags. For example, i will require that if my source code is different for different gcc versions. But i am not able trace out that information. Any idea, where can i find those.
Thanks for the time.
Regards, Shrikant
http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/ http://gcc.gnu.org/faq.html
Are you are banking on a particular feature of GCC which comes with a particular version?? If your problems is detecting a particluar version. You can write a custom m4 macro to test for that feature. Then incorporate it in the configure script and take your decisions based on the same.
More information about autotools can be found here -> http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/
Depending on what you are trying to do you can acheive the desired effect using #ifdefs , CFLAGS and configure scripts(with autotools).