As most of you, I also get a lot of spam mails, is there any place in India, a website, where we can complaint. Some oraganizations including caltiger (used to but no more) and bazee keep sending me spams, atleast these can be stopped, if not the small buisnesses like university diploma spams then atleast these big organizations should be stopped. Lets startoff my making Mumbai spam free and may be later we can show the others (the remaining) a way to follow. If there isnt any website, I would like to create one where we can post our compliants and then we can let the oracnization know about it.
Bye. - -- Visit http://munshi.dyndns.org/~amish/sign.txt to obtain a Public key of my digital signatute. Please verify always that the mail originates from me before reading the contents of the mail using any opensource encryption software such as gnupg or openpgp.