On 6/11/06, Roshan d_rosh2001@yahoo.co.in wrote:
- On the stands, between Rs. 80 - 130 and/or
attractive subscription schemes for 1 year / 3 years / 5 years with savings for the subscriber along with contests / great prizes should be considered for pricing issues.
Is it possible to issue the magazine without CDs (or only one CD) or something like that for less, say, around Rs. 35-40? I know of many people who wouldn't buy magazines because they're too expensive at Rs. 80-100. As a college student with pocket money of barely Rs. 250 per month its rarely possible to buy a Rs. 100 magazine. At Rs. 40 one may still think about it.
You could target schools/colleges with discounted prices for students. This would help promote not only your magazine but also GNU/Linux in a big way.
Regards, Siddhesh