Hi list :)
As many of you may be aware, I run my own home server. It does everything from backing up, firewalling, filesharing (intranet), print support, ICS, web development ( PHP, MySQL, Apache etc... nothing major ) and the list goes on...
The problem was and is that I am using antiquated hardware ( P1 and the likes ) and its giving me a hard time now. The hardware is about 10 years old and its time that it rests peacefully.
So, now I want to replace it with a nice power efficient, low to about average processing power machine. The major constraints being that it should run cool and must be cost effective. I know that VIA processors are some of the best when it comes to power efficiency. They also make small boards ( ITX? ) which have smaller formfactor than the regular uATX boards. So can someone suggest me a config which will cost about Rs.5000 for CPU / Motherboard / RAM ( 256MB ) and may be a harddisk to go with it? I know its difficult but is anything possible which comes close to my requirements? Atleast point me in the right direction, I'll search out my goal ;)
One last thing, it should be available in India, specifically on Lamington road :P
TIA :)