On 12/6/06, Rony ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Now with wireless I was wondering if we can have local wireless web servers in Mumbai where people can bring their laptops to hot spots and download linux softwares like latest distro ISOs, rpms, debs and tar gzipped files.
Talking about the idea, what is it that you are trying to achieve ? Distribution of the Linux OS or installation services ?
If you talk of companies that provide installation services providing this kind of infrastructure to themselves, it makes sense. It may also make sense for companies like RadHat, Novell and Canonical to put up such things. I think the idea is good. If you can find the right contacts, please file a patent for your idea. Am sure it can get you lot of money in the future.
Once that is done, write in to people like Mark Shuttleworth ( Canonical / Ubuntu ) or put this posting in mailing lists of the other distributions that earn money and see if they are interested.
- Navneet