I am not able to create Desktop shortcuts and Menu item in GNOME. I discovered that for both KDE and GNOME, its an accepted standard to have .desktop files to represent shortcuts. File contains group and name-value pairs like: [Desktop Entry] Name= Type= Comment=
I created few files for KDE and all of them worked fine. But on GNOME I am not able to run them.
My concern is to provide shortcuts to HTML files. I tried to create file like:
[Desktop Entry] Name=MyLink Type=Link URL=file:/home/kshitij/myApp.html Icon=/usr/share/icons/html.xpm Terminal=false MultipleArgs=false Comment=Simple HTML File link
It simply doesn't work. The icon is created on Desktop but can't be executed. Although it works absolutely fine on KDE. I can create Application links in GNOME i.e.
Type=Application Exec=<executable-name>
This works but Links do not work.
Can anybody help me?
kshitijv e-mail: kshitijv@forindia.com