Hi all,
I just saw the notice for CST Examination (E, I, D, or G level) in DNA newspaper and it is on the 29th of January 2006.
What I am interested to know is whether, anyone in this list has attempted any one of the above mentioned level examinations?
Very particularly, if anyone has attempted the E level exam, I would like to know what reference material was used for it and if possible, can it be shared for sometime?
It has basic two papers, General Aptitude and Computer Concepts as two papers to be attempted, and I would like to know if anyone could lend me the book that has been mentioned on their website. (anyone from gkp)
If there are ny notes that could be shared, I wud be glad to receive it!
_____________________________ www.geocities.com/d_rosh2001 If there's anything that you want to ask about related to computers and information technology email me at any of the following addresses 1) d_rosh2001@yahoo.co.in 2) dhanvirosh@rediffmail.com
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