Dear Harsh,
On 8/29/06, Harsh Busa wrote:
DNA / fingerrprinting /retina scan etc are not very practical for several reasons . eg to let issue me a drivers license it will be quite expensive and time consuming to get a dna rep. other two can go bad
You are bang on target. The whole thing should be very simple and at the same time extendable where it is possible to implement those expensive solutions because the situation warrants them. but at the same time they are not required all the time.
barcodes / rfids etc are just machine readable representation of numbers.
we need to design an algorithm to define each human being based on some person and demographical information.
I have following things in mind
1. An unique number (Format will be given later) - ID 2. Date of Birth 3. Place of Birth 4. Name of the biological mother (Orphens will be taken care of as special case) 5. Unique ID of the biological mother
Other optional info like
1. Name of the Father and other relations 2. Unique IDs of the Father and other relations 3. PIN Code of place of birth 4. Name and ID of Doctor/Nurse/Midwife
i agree i have experrienced this several times no matter how good your technology is and how well can you automate things some people just prefer to do things by hand :)
This is not going to be about the technology per say. But whole development can be done in FOSS style to ensure the transperancy, participation of diverse views and opinions and speed of the development and resilience of the model.
With regards,