Hi, the links to the personal domain in google.com/a is "mail.google.com/a/<your url>" i dont have much idea about Squid but i think this will help u .
On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 1:40 PM, sameer shinde s9sameer@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All,
We are using squid along with squidguard to block the websites. Now due to company policy we've blocked all the email sites with squidguard blacklist, wherein we've also blocked gmail.google.com Now, our company has purchesed domain name specific mail address from google. for example mail.ourdomain.com, wherein if anyone types mail.ourdomain.com it will be redirected to ourdoman specific gmail. The problem here is as squidguard is blocking gmail.google.com and which is inturn backbehind mail.ourdomain.com, the users are not able to access that site. What we want to do now is, we still want to block gmail access, but if someone goes thru mail.ourdomain.com, then he should get the access to gmail. How can we achieve this?
Few more bits about our squid. It is configured in non-transperant mode. i.e. we mannually provide the proxy to users. Also its in non-authentication mode. i.e. it does not checks for username/password.
Sameer Shinde. M:- +91 98204 61580 Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why. -- http://mm.glug-bom.org/mailman/listinfo/linuxers