----- Original Message ----- From: "dhiraj tuteja" dhir_aj1@rediffmail.com To: webmaster@apnajabalpur.com Cc: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 2308 Subject: [ILUG-BOM] linux
there are no sirs...please refer to everyone on the list on an equal footing.
I recently installed linux 8.0 But facing some problems:
- Unable to detect modem
Please specify details of the modem...model/make/internal/external...
- Unable to access data of windows from linux and vice-versa
Assuming you have a windows "C drive", create a link cdrive as in mkdir /mnt/cdrive then Edit /etc/fstab...(read the fstab and mount manpages) create an entry in /etc/fstab with your4 fav editor /dev/hda1 /mnt/cdrive vfat user,exec,umask=0 0 0 Check whether your windows "cdrive" is really on /dev/hda1
- Where to do programming unable to find editor etc.
Lots of 'em...try vi/emacs/jed/nano/pico/xemacs/scite/xedit/kwriter/gedit....look in the CDs for these or soem similar sounding packages
- where are files of linux source code stored as it as open
source software
cd /usr/src/linux... http://www.kernel.org If you want the src of the packages, try http://rpmfind.net/linux/redhat/9/en/os/i386/SRPMS/
- Linux automatically boots after 7 seconds. Can this setting be
Check which bootloader yuo are using....for lilo, check /etc/lilo.conf and for grub, try editing it from the boot menu
REad the redhat manual from their website....