lets not take things out of context
i believe we context switched - READ to your statements and all the WRITE(S) have been happening since then.
and be snide about it shall we?
When you make provocative statements based on a complete lack of understanding of FOSS on a GNU/Linux users mailing list what did you expect?
wondered aloud,
Well, when people wonder things like this its pretty offensive and dangerous for the community, and such ``wonderings" have to be responded to in kind.
Your statements :
<quote> There are just too many parasites out there in the world. Does he not have a right? </quote>
is offensive to the concept of knowledge sharing which is what FOSS is all about.
<quote> I easily understand my right to read the code of the product am buying. I do not understand why this right extends to distribution? It's akin to piracy in a loose sense! </quote>
There are no pirates in the FOSS world. If you do not understand how the FOSS business model works then please read :
<quote> Am not a subscriber to FOSS philosophy in whole. I like some parts, but not others. I dont like the idea of collectivism where everyone shares whatever they have made with everyone else. Sure it's your right if you want to, but don't disparage me if i dont want to. : </quote>
O.K, it seems what you are stating is similar if not same to what micro$oft has been harping about - the shared source model - share some(sic) code and distribution does not come into picture. Well, now we know where your inclination and inspiration came from. We all know that shared source went phut and i guess that tells you something about why that line of thinking just doesn't work.
<quote> If i make a software and sell it to you and also give you the source. Mere pet pe laath mat maro ... :) <quote>
<quote> Actually i have been through the original sources. i suggest you read my other mail which i think clarifies the point. </quote>
Been there done that. If you are thinking GNU/Linux technically and trying to be micro$oft in policy - you are just asking to be singed, burnt, and eventually charred on any mailing list.
some people have kindly given me some answers. Let that be
the end of it.
The end is what YOU believe in and how it impacts your life and that of the community.
Regards(to you and the mailing list),
- vihan