On Monday 05 March 2007 19:27, Rony wrote:
jtd wrote:
It was a linux problem. I interrupted the linux loading sequence with the 3 finger salute and it gave the message that it was
linux does not write to the ntfs partition unless it was fscking. Rebooting at any point prior to mounting a file system wont make a difference.
rebooting but XP couldn't go further beyond the login screen. Before that I have used XP a few times even after installing etch. I use AVG which is quite stable. The av program in the above case may have cleaned an infected fs.
The concept of "cleaning" an infected a filesystem ( removing portions of a file rather than the file itself) is stupid at the least. You are presuming that no virus = uncorrupt files and filesystem.
My system is clean as I use it with caution.
I faced a similar problem earlier when I had Freespire installed but was able to recover the NTFS partition just by a few reboots into XP. This time it was a big bang. Anyway I clean-reinstalled the system today. Only updates need to be done now.