On 9/14/07, Roshan d_rosh2001@yahoo.co.in wrote:
Terms used: IDE: Integrated Development Environment CS: Computer Science IT: Information Technology
I was thinking about this for sometime now, and realized, that there wasn't any emphasis on the "tools" being used in courses (graduate, postgraduate) (CS and IT).
They may not be of utmost importance, but I'll like to know your opinions and choices.
- Most of the courses use Windows as their OS and
have Notepad as the default text editor used for programming languages such as Java etc. Even for HTML, CSS etc, notepad remains the default text editor. Notepad (default) doesn't have any syntax highlighting or other options. Surprisingly, students are told they learn better, if they are not equipped with these. (Text editor features)
I wonder, programmers under *nix, have Konsole ( ;) ) based text editors as well as GUI text editors (Just to differentiate for the sake of it: vim, nano and Kate, Emacs, gEdit) which provide syntax highlighting and a host of other options. Are they at a loss?
- IDEs are great for development. Because, they hide
the actual commands of compiling, interpreting / running the program. (some) They also enable the user with point-click tools and generate code for those tools / components. Surprisingly, the same students are allowed to use the Turbo C++ 3.0 (16-bit compiler) IDE with syntax highlighting for C / C++ programs and are able to write typical C / C++ programs later.
The question is, are Text Editors better for students to begin programming or are IDEs better for students? (Irrespective of the language)
I know im a little late on this post. But this IDe v Text Editor question has been in my mind for long. I have wrote most of the code in my life in Java, which probably has one of the best IDE support. But is still think those initial note pad days, and the javac and java have held me in good stead. I know what $CLASSPATH means, i know how packages relate to directory structures, how classloader works. Would i have known it if I was a victim of "eclipsing" everything. Hell no. And i can say that from experience. I have see ppl who didint know if there wasa way to execute java programs from command line, they always thought eclipse is java.
So, IMO start learning on a basic text editor, coz at that time ur learning the basicis of the language. IDEs should be used to increase productivity, reduce development time on projects.
Text Editors in Windows and GNU/Linux have
capabilities that allow the process of compilation, interpretation, execution, identation, adding comments, etc. In some sense, Text Editors nearly is an IDE.
-- http://www.gnu.org.in ubunturos @ freenode
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