On Thu, 4 Jul 2002, Vishwanath V wrote:
I had been trying with my custom made perl scripts. But the analysis part seems to b tricky. Like keeping track of users and invalid mail id's ?
how do you check invalid mail addresses? the best would be to use tom christianssen's ckaddr script. You can get his from CPAN, or I can send you a version that I've customised slightly for my own use.
He gets rid of 99% invalid email addresses, as well as several syntactically correct, but most likely wrong addresses (like abdefg@hotmail.com).
Most correct addresses will get through.
As far as keeping track of users goes, store all addresses in a text file, and to send a message, put this in your perl:
my @addresses = <ADDRESSES> or die "No addresses"; my $address = join ',', @addresses;
open MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t" or die "Could not fork sendmail: $!"; print MAIL <<EOF From: _your_address_here To: _newsletter_alias_here) Bcc: $address Subject: Whatever
Put your message body here EOF ; close MAIL or warn "Could not close sendmail: $!";
if however you want to send individual mails to everyone, then put the open/print/close stuff in a loop. Iterate over @addresses, and print each address in the To: line (omit Bcc:).
NOTE: This script can also be used irresponsibly. I have provided it for informational purposes only, it is left to the reader to use it responsibly.