Ref:HBC/EST/SA/ 30/01/2008
NOTICE NO. 02/08.
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR), Mumbai hereby invites applications for one temporary position of System Administrator.
1. System Administrator at HBCSE - 1 position :
Qualification: Candidates should have B.Tech/M.C.A. with 5 years experience (relaxable for meritorious candidates).
Job Discription : HBCSE has a LAN with about 120 clients, and several servers. The candidate is required to manage and monitor the network, the websites and provide basic support. All the servers run GNU/Linux operating system and exclusively use free software.
This is a major and key assignment, requiring high quality of professional skill and experience. The applicant should have sound knowledge of GNU/Linux (Unix) system administration. System administration includes setting up and maintaining servers for web, email, spam and virus filtering, firewalls, network traffic monitoring, databases, wikis, backups,etc. HBCSE conducts computer related workshops for schools and other educational organizations.
Applications are sought from individuals with a passion and commitment for working in a learning environment, and an excellent understanding of free software development and support systems. The candidate should also have good communication skills with interest in technical education.
The position is purely temporary, for one year in the first instance and extendable by one or two more years. A consolidated honorarium will be paid as follows.
* Rs. 25000/- p.m. + HRA 30% in lieu of Institute accommodation.
Age: Upto 35 years (relaxable for meritorious candidates)
Application giving full details such as Name, Date of Birth, Full address with phone/mobile number and e-mail address, Educational Qualification, names and addresses of two referees (attach testimonials from referees) together with true copies of relevant certificates, testimonials duly attested & super scribing the post applied for and the Notice No. 02/08 on the envelope, should reach the Administrative Officer, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, T.I.F.R, V. N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai - 400 088 within 20 days from date of publication of this notice. Applicants in Govt. / Semi-Government / Public Sector undertakings /Autonomous bodies must apply through proper channel. For more information visit our website: http://www.hbcse.tifr.res.in
(M.D. Gaitonde)
Admn. Officer – D
: HBCSE, Mankhurd : GMRT, Pune
: TIFR Main Campus : RAC Colony
: TIFR Centre, Bangalore : CRL, Ooty
: NCBS, Banglore : BF, Hyderabad
: NCRA, Pune : HEGRO,Panchmarhi