I recently installed Debian Etch as a dual boot on my laptop . I am having an issue with logging off . Also ctrl+alt+f1 does not bring me to the shell . All I get is a black screen in both the cases and i have to manually shutdown my laptop and reboot. I am however able to shutdown and restart from within gnome.I am new to linux so cant figure out whats wrong. I tried to find out what onboard video card im using from within windows by right clicking on the desktop then going to : display properties->settings->advanced->adapter and there it says : VIA Chrome9 HC IGP. I have already tried the following troubleshooting steps but it didnt work :
Already tried steps : ---------------------
1) Tried ctrl+alt+f5 , ctrl+alt+f7 , ctrl+alt+backspace but get the same black screen and have to manually shutdown and reboot.
2) Added vga=771 at the end of the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst . Also tried vga=773,vga=791
3) Ran the command su cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "Driver" to get information on driver and the output of the above command is :
Driver "kbd" Driver "mouse" Driver "vesa"
What could be going wrong ? Please help.
Thanks :)
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