On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 10:09:28PM +0530, Rony Bill wrote:
All suggestions are most welcome. :)
Going off on a tangent and starting a new thread. (I did reply to an existing message, but I removed the headers and changed the subject.)
Let's say you have a business where you go around installing this hassle-free new computer system for people, so they don't have to worry about Windows problems and also don't have to worry about package management, root, etc. I'm referring to Ubuntu of course.
Or even if slightly advanced users wanted Gentoo or Debian. What follows below still stands.
How do they get updates? These systems must be kept updated, at least once in 2 weeks, to do any good. The usual way to do it is to point the system at an online package repository. Bandwidth and download limits in India cause this to be a big pain in the wallet -- no ordinary user is going to do it and many technical users will not want to.
So, any solutions? A local package mirror is one, but you still have the last-mile link being a bottleneck. Update CDs that they can subscribe to, that Rony can have delivered once a month or so?