On 28 November 2011 00:40, Dinesh Shah (દિનેશ શાહ/दिनेश शाह) dineshah@gmail.com wrote:
Since you don't like road accident argument I will change to fire. We have learned a great deal to use and control fire. Still fire causes death and destruction. We sure don't want to stop using fire for current and future gen?
Once again - you don't ban. You analyze WHY people are dying. You figure out that lack of fire fighting equipment, lack of emergency exits, insufficient crowd control etc. all contribute. You tighten these controls. You make fire license mandatory for malls and theatres. You implement quarterly inspections. You create penalties for non-compliance. And so on.
The one thing you don't do is to put up a rule that one needs an Aadhar to buy a matchbox.
What I am trying to put forward is simple case - all technology, including nuclear is inherently neutral in nature. It's the way it's uses that makes it either branded good or bad.
Correct. And using nuclear reactors to generate power in a country as crowded as India is one of those "bad" usages. There certainly are "good" (for certain values of good) usages - like powering long range submarines, perhaps interplanetary exploration vehicles etc. - nobody's denying that.