hi all came across an interesting article which says argues that its unfair to call most of the gnu/linux distros "gnu/linux" http://atulchitnis.net/writings/gnulinux.php the author is atul chitnis, who else... the veiws expressed are not mine, so plz dont flame me gurpreet
Gurpreet Singh
My thoughts on the topic.......
Apache is a server which runs on an OS. In the same way an MTA like sendmail.
These are not GNU but is that part of an OS?
What I understand of an OS is (a) the kernel and (b) basic utils.
Servers like Apache and sendmail don't need to necessarily run on every desktop / workstation. Where as the GNU tools and Linux kernel needs to be on any and every computer.
So I feel that GNU/Linux is valid. (See below)
Example of some servers: - web server: apache - ftp server: wu-ftpd, ncftpd, proftpd - smtp server: sendmail, exim, qmail
OS = kernel + utils - kernel : linux - shell : bash (GNU) - fileutils : chgrp, chmod, chown, cp, dd, df, ln, ls, mkdir, mknod, mv, rm, rmdir, sync, touch, dir, dircolors, du, inst, all, mkfifo, shred, vdir (GNU) - compression, backup and archive: tar, gzip, etc. (GNU) - standard libraries: glibc (GNU) . . .
Can a device work on apache and the linux kernel only?
If yes, then I didn't know that and stand corrected.
If no, then I guess I have a point. ;-)