Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc, and you will be able to go back and forward in bash as we are used to in Nautilus and Konqueror. Use cd [ and cd ] to avail the features:
__COUNT=0 __BACK=0 cd () { if [ "${1}" = "[" ]; then if [ "${__BACK}" -lt "${__COUNT}" ]; then pushd +1 > /dev/null __BACK=$(($__BACK+1)) else echo "can't go back any more" fi elif [ "${1}" = "]" ]; then if [ "${__BACK}" != 0 ]; then pushd -0 > /dev/null __BACK=$(($__BACK-1)) else echo "can't go forward any more" fi elif [ "${1}" = "." ]; then builtin cd "${@}" else if [ "${1}" = "-" ]; then pushd "${OLDPWD}" > /dev/null elif [ "${#}" -eq 0 ]; then pushd "${HOME}" > /dev/null else pushd "${@}" > /dev/null fi while [ "${__BACK}" -gt 0 ]; do popd -0 > /dev/null __BACK=$(($__BACK-1)) done __COUNT=$(($__COUNT+1)) fi }
Happy hacking, Debarshi