On Feb 6, 2008 4:14 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon@au-kbc.org wrote:
On 06-Feb-08, at 4:06 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
games - lots of games - educational stuff will bore them. Then talk about free and pirated (they all must be using pirated cds/movies. Maybe 1 in 10 will grasp the point.
I plan to. But then what games? Give me a few good examples!
i dont really play games - my kid in 9th is quite happy with the default set that comes with mandriva. Doom? I am cc-ing Rajeev who is an expert, I hope he answers
xmoto, quake3, fist on fire, alien arena, frozen bubble, gnome- robots, xevil
Supertux r00lz!! At least, I think so, and my 5 yr old daughter is extremely interested.
As they are high school students, why don't you show them some scientific packages? IIRC, one of the *LFY* issues recently featured a cd...and there is a bio-informatics spin of Knoppix out there too.