On 18-Sep-07, at 12:41 PM, Kamaleshwar Morjal [कमलेश्वर मोरजाल] wrote:
:o) ok.. for that matter lemme give it another try.. well i have just now installed ubuntu and need as much help as possible.. first thing.. i wanna increase the count-down timer's count that 10 seconds by default.. how can i edit that.. anything more about GRUB would be appreciated and wud b great help too.. Also, i wanted to kno if everyone who posts to the list gets the mail sayin u have to wait for moderator's approval before the mail's sent through? [and by the way.. doesnt matter if u delete half the words while posting but plz make sure ur reply doesnt get lost in transit.. it may prove to be really helpful for me.. :o)]
you *do* need help, and we are here to give it
s/wanna/want to/ s/wud/would/ s/b/be/ s/kno/know/ s/u/you/ s/sayin/saying/ s/ur/your/
please write each 5 times and memorise