On 11-Sep-07, at 10:39 PM, Pradeepto Bhattacharya wrote:
Because a list member found my problem with libre software hilarious. I need solutions not expert comments. There are pros and cons on both sides.
Really? This is what you said and I quote - "It should not
have any bugs.". That statement is a joke and I am still laughing and I am sure others are too.
I am not laughing. What exactly is a bug? When, for example, in kword I save a file in OOo format and OOo is unable to open it, is that a bug? Or is it a failure of software - just bad software? As far as I know, the approach to writing software is to first write a use case, or all possible use cases that you can think of. Then write the software. Then write tests to cover all the above use cases, and release the software when it passes the tests. There will be unusual use cases and edge cases which are not anticipated and for which tests havent been written. Failure in these cases are bugs. But no failure in the main use-case.
In the case of saving in OOo format and OOo not opening it, this is not a bug. Because it is the main usecase of the particular feature. A simple test - open an OOo file, save it in OOo format and open it in OOo would have detected this, and the feature should not have been released. Yes, bugs will be there - but when a main/common use case fails - I dont think it can be called a bug and it is no laughing matter either. I havent gone into kword code to find if there are test suites, I hope there are ...