On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Linux wrote:
No, Milter_AddressControl cannot directly talk with thundirbird, we need SMTP server which supports milter in between. I think what you are trying to do is relay mail via another server. In this case DNS entries are not required. Please see http://www.howtoforge.com/postfix_relaying_through_another_mailserver
I finally got rid of the invalid hostname and other problems by editing /etc/hosts with a FQDN name (a fake one). I have stopped bind9 to avoid using dns. The problem of host not found still existed for the relay host. Then in one site on the net I saw that the entry for relay host has to be in boxes like relayhost = [relay_smtp_server_address]. This removed all naming and host not found errors but now the only problem is that the relay host is refusing connections. Since I don have my clientś smtp username and password, I was using my own yahoo email id and password with yahooś smtp server as my relay host. It is refusing connections. Then I commented the smtp_auth related lines in main.cf and tried mtnlś open smtp server that does not use authentication but that too refuses connection. Now as a last resort I will try mtnlś regular smtp server with auth.
The link which you gave shows that my main.cf file is already configured accordingly.