Hello fellow linuxers,
I am having some problem with Linux file permissions. It is simple but some how I am not able to arrive at a perfect solution.
I am having four folders in another folder called 'departments'. They are 'sales','accounts','support' and 'management'.
I want to accomplish the following objectives:- 1) All people can access 'departments' folder. 2) People belonging to a particular department have read/write access in their folder only. eg. sales people can read/write in sales folder etc. 3) People belonging to other departments cannot *see* into other departments folder. eg.support people cannot *see* anything in sales, accounts, management folder etc. 4) People belonging to 'management' can read/write into all folders. 5) People belonging to 'accounts' can *read* 'sales' folder . They cannot add/delete files.
I know that I have to use usermod,groupmod,chmod,chown.chgrp commands. But I am not able to work out on what exact folder/file to work on.
I am using RedHat Linux 9 ( I don't think distribution matters! )
Please help me with this situation.
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