2011/4/4 Sandeep Pillai cy7287@gmail.com:
Now i make changes to the code and plan to re-distribute, the license text says " Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice", so in my license I still have to maintain "Copyright (c) 2011, XYZ" ?, or can i change it to or include "Copyright (c) 2011, MyOrganisation" ?
You will have it as:
Copyright XYZ Inc. 2011 Portions Copyright ABC Ltd. 2011
or a variant thereof.
Also can the disclaimer statement that "THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY XYZ" be edited to include the new contributor/contributors name.
Yes. Now you are doing the providing. So this will become "This software is provided by ABC".
Does making changes to Copyright or Disclaimer break the license,
Well, as a general rule, no. But there might be cases where this could happen. For example, an author can release software under a non-perpetual license that expires when a copyright assignment happens. In which case, a change to copyright might automatically invalidate the license.