On 14-Oct-06, at 7:44 AM, Devdas Bhagat wrote:
I am curious to know, how much money did Linus earn for creating the kernel and how much does he earn every year on giving out new kernels? Rough figures will do.
roughly, to five decimal accuracy: 0.00000 (in bangladeshi takas)
I have no clue about actual numbers, but he does have his current employment because of writing the kernel. He got a few shares in a bunch of companies as well, before IPO.
there is direct income and indirect income. On doing foss for fun, indirect income jumps like hell. Guys like linus, guido, jeremy etc etc can ask for any salary in any company in the world. In doing foss for profit, there is direct income - check out mahiti, srijan, deeprootlinux, jtd and similar indian companies, or collabnet, operational dynamics, infrae, sql-ledger, katipo, redhat, novell ...