I'm using Kubuntu feisty. For some reason, I cannot login to the gui because, /dev/null is created w/ 600 perms. And yes the relevant line in /etc/udev.d/rules does mention /dev/null having 666 perms. Supposedly this is a problem w/ udev.
My workaround at the moment is to hit ctrl-alt-f2, login, chmod /dev/null, ctrl-alt-f7 and then I can login to the gui. This needs to be done at every boot. I have 'cn' aliased to sudo chmod 666 /dev/null. Saves some typing :).
Now to come to my problem. I inadvertantly hit ctrl-n at the prompt and now the login prompt at the cli is displayed in weird characters. It's like when you type something in wordprocessor and then change to font to wingdings or something.
How do I get my normal login prompt back ?
many thanks,