LDAP auth, is a very complicated thing. It could go wrong at a number of places.
First have you allowed authentication thru LDAP in /etc/nsswitch.conf or using authconfig
In case you have allowed that check the logs of the client and the server.
BTW what server was you using Iplanet or openldap.
We have a campus wide license of iplanet for IIT and I would recommend you use that.
ciao Anand
On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 01:50:50PM +0550, Dipu Kumar M wrote:
Next LUG meet: 12 Oct 2003 around 4 pm - VJTI Computer Centre
Hi friends,
I am facing the foollowing problem with LDAP based authentication.
Let me explain about it.
I am in the first phace and so only a single machine is acting as client.
The domain name which I am using is
And in the client side I configued the authentication part for LDAP based authentication. ( ie LDAP server as -which is the ip of my server
Base dn as dc=it,dc=iitb,dc=ac,dc=in )
Using the migration tool, I migrated the accouts from the client to server and it is comimg under ou=People subtree in the LDAP tree.
Then I deleted all other accounts( root, postgres etc. ) from the LDAP tree and only one guest account of the client I kept there.
Then I removed the guest user from the client and tried to login to that with the assumption that I can login through the LDAP.
But it is not allowing me for that and the usual invalid username or password mesaage is what I am getting.
So friends,
Is there anything wrong in what I am doing ?
or Is there something more I have to do ?
Thanking you in anticipation,
Dipu Kumar M IIT, Bombay He will be there whenever one wants him or not