jtd wrote:
Here is what i am talking about. Once u press c at the grub menu grub> root (hd0,4) Filesystem type is jfs, partition type 0x83
grub> kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 [Linux-bzImage, setup=0x1400, size=0x108a19]
grub>initrd /initrd.img [Linux-initrd @ 0x1debc000, 0x124000 bytes]
grub> boot
I tried out the commands given above and actually booted into the system. First time this way. Since its was a long time that I had installed the OSes I used 'find /boot/grub/stage1' to locate all my root partitions. However after that grub never returns any output unless its an error.
Easwar's problem turns out to be a corrupted /boot partition. I am curious to know how he restored all his /boot files after deleting and re-creating the partition. Is it as simple as backing up the files somewhere else and pasting them back or getting them from some new source.