hello all, thankfully the flame war seams to have taken a conceptual path and that is helthy as a debating point which raises the level of knowledge. firstly thanks osric for the off list email attachment. I had guessed that it will be you who will send the file. I even predicted this to roni yesterday (and I am not oracle). by the way I again repeat "running a script and answering y or n " is nothing to do with programming. coding in assembly language is no where in comparison with running a script blindly. for example I don't feel the following 3 commands are even analysed by most people as to what they do. ./configure make make install. I know so many people who are normal users and they do these commands and don't even know what they mean or do. and when I delete a message in my mobile I have to answer yes or no and that is similar to a script. if I want to give the best possible solution to my customer I will take all my efords to at least learn installation process (which is nothing to do with coding the software ) and do my best. and talking about bug or failure, well, software is a failure when a feature or use case fails every where. osric has got success so have others. I am not challenging roni because he is not lying either. but the point is that there are so many people who r *not* facing that problem. and as some gentelman emailed in the evening, I haven't seen any one filing a bug report on oo web site. those who did not find the problem are obviously not expected to file it because they don't have that problem replicated. whether a failure or bug, the point is roni had the experience and he proved it in front of me so a bug report is needed. I haven't tried the file sent by osric and I don't use debian. now one interesting point, fedora users don't complain of this problem nor do debian users, so ubuntu? ... I will try doing one thing and may be JTD can correct me if I am wrong or who ever who knows debian better. I will try installing the open office package from the actual debian repos and see if I too get the same result like osric does. will it be fine or not can be adviced by people. one last point. the mobile I am using is only for use not for doing any setup. so while I don't expect my client to use command line for word processing (I wont do it myself either ). I am at least as an installer expected the right and perfect way to install the software and the installation process must be completely in my control. I have never been to nokia manifacturing factories so don't know whether they use scrips for installing software on my mobile. but as a user I am supposed to have ease of use as roni says and I agree. but daily use and installation are 2 different issues you know? regards, Krishnakant.