On Monday 04 December 2006 19:37, Harsh Busa wrote:
coz i personally think of u as blessed by RMS ( jtd fan following : this is a complement to JTD ) :-)
does this not apply to other distributions ?
The Act of signing such an agreement is like a tacit acknowledgement of Suse having code which is in violation.
it is not ! everytime this point was raised novell has got a press release and some other gyan distributed saying they never acknowledge any patent violation.
That is Novell saying so. Which should count for more negative points. And is as idiotic as me taking anticipatory bail for u just incase u run over somebody in the next five years.
But more important, the other distros did not sign a deal with M$
absolving themselves and making u liable. The other distro will be liable first. U will ofcourse get bitten with a cease and desist notice in the case of other (violating) distros. Which is why i stick to debian.
i m not sure if i read it correctly but i remembering read it as "ms will not sue novell customers ever". i cud be wrong coz i donot read fine lines in different permutations / combinations.
U are wrong. M$ will not sue Novells paying customers. And will not sue non paying customers for ONE EIGHTY DAYS woohoo. I am jumping in my seat with joy.
have you or members of the list gone thru the several announcement and irc transcripts ?
I did quite a few. All nicely moderated and asking the wrong questions. Novell employees defending the idiocity for something essentially indefensible.
i m not a lawyer . but i think using suse is great . its amazingly cool and novell will never screwup such big time with its customers.
They already did. Or they are shipping patented stuff - which is actually a lesser evil than signing that agreement without patented stuff. Shipping patented stuff is a business decision - we would be inconsequential yelpers passing irrelevant comments. Not shipping such stuff but still siginig the agreement means they new that they are providing M$ with a fud opportunity and are worse than M$.
my take is novell is not evil . suse rocks and i will support it always :) the way i see this is ms has a subtle way of stepping into the oss market.
You do have a sense of humour. Like i release ad and PR and giant hoarding, warning all that they are toast because <mumblejumbletumble>. Then send suitnboot to make sales pitch. Ha ha i like that. Very subtle and sweet. I'll remeber to tell suitnboot to plant a kiss on customer while leaving.