On Saturday 03 Dec 2005 1:39 am, Philip Tellis wrote:
Sometime on Dec 2, RS cobbled together some glyphs to say:
I want to access windows from my ubuntu machine can some1 tell me something.... somelinks some docs..
others have answered your question, I'm just a little confused as to the relationship between the subject of your mail and the content. what about Debian Installer?
some users of email, when wanting to send a mail where the 'to' address is not in their address book, click on the reply button, delete the content and enter fresh content. Most of them also delete the subject and enter a fresh subject. The result is that for those using threaded mail clients see the new content in the old thread which is a bit annoying. It is a good practice when starting a new thread to use a fresh mail with a fresh subject. In most gui mail clients one right clicks the 'to' address and selects 'new message to'. Although this is a laborious and time consuming proceedure the extra effort expended is worth it as the community does not get annoyed.