On Monday 23 May 2005 10:51, Richard Chang wrote:
Rony Bill [ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk] wrote:
Some questions:
Why are viruses and trojans not created for linux? When linux overtakes windows in client machines, will there be a possibility of viruses and trojans being created for linux too?
If a linux user surfs the net without a firewall and with java scripting active in his browser, will his system be prone to hacking attempts and key logging/password grabbing?
Lets look at the issue in a practical way rather than randomly curse all windows users/installers. The OS is selected by the user. The installer has to follow market forces.
The last sentence needs to add "into the big black hole"
I totally agree with Rony. May be in future when Linux will rule the roost, they may have a million more virii and worms than there currently are on Windoze.
Yeah so in the mean time you can enjoy all that s@#$ available on windows totally gratis.
As there will be many more poeple who can see the code freely, there will be more experts who can exploit the code.
And even more who can fix it. While on windows you dont even need the code to create exploits. That is one great plus for ease of (mis) use i humbly concede.
And anything popular will have its own sworn enemies. Like Windoze has. What can prevent M$ to exploit the code of Linux and invest in maligning
Man do you live on Europa (yeah it's habitable). M$ spends cold hard cash funding shills (why dont u try for some) to write fud and case studies to malign GNU/Linux. Some idiots are even convinced to not uninstall M$ crap after reading those. And a few find the time to ACTUALLY defend the pile. HA Ha ha. You made my day.
or crashing Linux like all the Windoze haters do right now. After all it is free for all.
^ That should be fee for all. Windoze haters crashing windows ?. the crap fails to install on my chinese laptop with american cpu and korean ram and singapore hd and indian carrybag. The crashing happens later. But on my desktop I am in awe of windows parapsccho capabilities - my mere prescence makes it crash. Linux fails miserable to shut itself off in the prescence of linux haters. Once more i humbly admit that this feature is absent in GNU/Linux.
rgds jtd