Devdas Bhagat wrote:
False. I still can't VoIP to my parents.
Where are your parents ? I already talk to US clients from VOIP phones in India. I can call them on their land lines and mobiles They can only call me to the voip phone ofcourse.
VOIP is open, except you are not allowed to connect a VOIP phone to a local telecom network without a license.
Unless you are a telco. Hence, the VoIP market is not open. If you have seen the Skype call charges, they aren't dependent on distance at all. Only to where you call.
Can you use skype out to call a landline in India ? (Coming to think of it, someone did call me from UK using skype out). Any idea of the charge ? I remember having seen skype's linux client. Is anyone here using it ?
**deleted *** 10 years from 1996. The line is open from 2006 end.
Good, so prices for internet access will fall further in 2007.
IPLC == International Private Leased Circuit. It has nothing to do with voice.
IPLC is used for voice. As you point out, voice is data. But the reason people buy IPLC is to have dedicated voice pipes. All large dedicated call centers (where voice quality needs to be absolutely good) have IPLC. The do not use data pipes or VOIP. (at least commercial VOIP. Some have started using their own dedicated VOIP systems. I dont know the technical difference). Till the market was opened, the only way you could get good quality of voice lines to USA was by buying IPLC from VSNL.
Regards Saswata