Sometime on Mar 5, Puneet Lakhina assembled some asciibets to say:
Isnt it better to decide on a say a set of common apis that most of the drivers will work on.. and then spread these through various distros and
Drivers work already. I was talking about the GUI APIs for the installer program that Rony wants.
then write device drivers assumin that people will have those apis. Sure it will take time, but as far as I am concerned device support is one of the
It was done about 10 years ago.
bigges obstacles to the spread of linux, so i would think its worth it. Writing drivers for systems that have the normal devices connected, and with
Writing drivers requires one to know how the hardware works. You cannot just guess how it works and write a driver for it. Most hardware vendors refuse to provide details on how their hardware works and will not let anyone write an opensource driver for it. The problem is not lack of APIs, it's lack of willing vendors.