On 11/05/07, RS singh rsnsingh@yahoo.co.in wrote:
Dear linux Users
I use RH EL 3, Every thing is working fine but
MySql is giving problem while installing.
in the days when I was using the redhat and then fedora setups, I faced this problem very often too. get the proper rpms and the mysql-share rpm in particular.
The Error shown is libmysql.so.10 file required The file is already present on the system.
I want to use this system as LAMP server. Any other alternative.
if you want an "out of the box " configured lamp server then used ubuntu 6.06 lts server or even feisty server will do. when you install this system it will give you an option to choose whether you want a lamp server. just select that and do your partition stuff and have a cup of tea. lamp server will be installed for you raidy with all configuration needed. if you are any where in mumbai you can contact me off the list for the server cd. regards. Krishnakant.